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Artykuły o zdrowiu - [en] Flaxseed may slow prostate tumour growth

michał - 2007-06-04, 19:32
Temat postu: [en] Flaxseed may slow prostate tumour growth
Szybkie tłumaczenie: 161 mężczyzn ze zdiagnozowanym rakiem prostaty podzielono na 4 grupy. Dwie z nich przez miesiąc dodawały do diety 3 łyżki siemia (w tym jedno utrzymywała też niskotłuszczowy reżim żywieniowy), jedna stosowała jedynie reżim niskotłuszczowy, a grupa kontrolna nie dokonała żadnych zmian w stylu życia. Po chirurgicznym usunięciu prostat i zbadaniu chromosów komórek rakowych okazało się, że u osób jedzących siemię rozrost tychże komórek zmniejszył się o 50%. Naukowcy przestrzegają przed zbyt optymistyczną interpretacją wyników badań, choć stwierdzają, że mężczyźni mogą zyskać przez włączenie siemia do swojej diety. Niestety nie udało mi się znaleźć oryginalnego badania w żadnej bazie danych naukowych.

Flaxseed may slow prostate tumour growth

Eating flaxseed can halve the growth rate of prostate tumours, a preliminary study suggests.

The seed, which is similar to sesame seed, may stunt the cancer's growth by increasing the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids in the body.

Wendy Demark-Wahnefried at Duke University School of Nursing in Durham, North Carolina, US, and colleagues recruited 161 men recently diagnosed with prostate cancer, which they split into four groups.

One group ate three tablespoons of flaxseed each day (by mixing it with yogurt or water, for example) and maintained a low-fat diet. Of the remaining three groups, one maintained a low-fat diet, another ate flaxseed, and the last was a control that made no lifestyle change.

Most of the men had surgery to remove their prostates within 30 days of enrolling in the trial.

Less cell division

To see if the month-long dietary interventions had any effect on the cancer, Demark-Wahnefried's team examined the DNA of the removed tumour cells. By looking at the chromosomes in these cells, it was possible to tell whether they were actively dividing or not.

The analysis revealed that 50% fewer of the tumour cells from men assigned to eat flaxseed - with or without maintaining a low-fat diet - were actively dividing compared with those of their control counterparts. Maintaining a low-fat diet alone did not appear to affect tumour growth.

"Unfortunately, nobody knows for sure" how the flaxseed provides this benefit, Demark-Wahnefried says. She speculates that replacing omega-6 molecules in the body with omega-3 compounds may send chemical signals that tell cells not to divide.

There are about 4 grams of omega-3 fatty acids in 3 tablespoons of flaxseed, Demark-Wahnefried says.

Unpleasant side effects

Demark-Wahnefried had previously tried giving men fish oil, because this contains more active omega-3. This approach had smelly side-effects, however. "We just had a lot of problems with people burping up fish oil," she says. "They weren't too happy about it."

In the latest study, her team had thought that keeping a low-fat diet would boost the effects of flaxseed since reducing fat intake appears to help the body convert omega-3 fatty acids into their active form. But this lifestyle change did not appear to increase the benefit of the omega-3s.

Demark-Wahnefried says that some men concerned about developing prostate cancer might consider adding flaxseed to their diet, though studies are need to confirm whether it can protect against such tumours from occurring. Too much flaxseed, she notes, can have a laxative effect.

Demark-Wahnefried presented the findings at the American Society of Clinical Oncology annual meeting in Chicago, Illinois, US, on 2 June.

Źródło: hxxp://www.newscientist.com/article/dn11981-flaxseed-may-slow-prostate-tumour-growth.html

kasienka - 2007-06-04, 19:52

michał, dzięki za szybkie tłumaczenie tym razem :)
michał - 2007-06-04, 20:00

A piszę się siemia czy siemienia? Bo sam już nie wiem.
kasienka - 2007-06-04, 20:06

Ja używam siemienia, nie wiem, czy druga forma jest poprawna.
michał - 2007-06-04, 20:08

OK, więc przepraszam za błędy.
Lily - 2007-06-05, 15:53

A tu o wpływie siemienia na hxxp://www.primanatura.com/czytelnia/artykuly/flaxseed-rak-piersi-lingany.htm]raka piersi .

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